Sunday, September 9, 2007

Meatstick Event: Green Lake Walk/Run for Obama

By Jayron

I went to the first Seattle for Obama meeting tonight and it was awesome! Since Obama has so much support in this state, I went there thinking they already had a ton of campaign people in Washington but they don't! It's up to all of us, Obama supporters, to get involved.

On a side note, there were 2 people there who attended Oprah's 3 million dollar fundraiser at her mansion this weekend and they told us all about it!

I learned more about the Washington State Primary. Did you know that although there is a Democratic Primary in Washington, those votes don't count but rather the Democratic Caucus held February 9th will choose our states delegates. SAVE THAT DATE! Most people don't know about caucuses. I didn't until 2004 when Washington Democrats didn't have a Primary at all. At the caucus people must show up at their neighborhood precinct for their vote to count. So even if people support Obama and not show up at the caucus, he won't win! It's all kind of confusing because people don't know where to go and what to do. There will be more meetings on learning about this and I'll pass it on to you. I realized at this meeting that if I don't take responsibility for my neighborhood and get people to show up, no one else will!

Another interesting note, only 100,000 people showed up in the 2004 Wash. St. caucuses (an average of 15 people for Washington's roughly 6,000 precincts). Which means that if each neighborhood precinct can get 15 more people to show up on February 9th, Obama could get all the states delegates!

So, I decided to host an event to reach out to other Obama supporters. Below is what I sent out. I really hope you all can come!

Please pass on to anyone who you think would be interested!

While the weather is still nice, let's gather at Green Lake and show our support for Obama! When: Saturday September 22 at 11:00 am

Ideally, we'd love to get a table going as well. So if anyone asks you about Obama during your walk/run, you can direct them to our table where they can get more information. If anyone knows if we need to ask the parks department permission to set up a table, let me know!

First 50 people who reply will get a free official Barack Obama pin to wear on the walk!
Please RSVP:

Please wear your Barack Obama T-shirt if you have one. I'm going to order one for myself right now! But of course you don't have to have a shirt to show up.

We'd love to see you there!

P.S. For all you Seahawks and Husky Football fans this shouldn't interfere with any games. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

C'mon Jayron - we all know Danny didn't write that glowing report!
Go Fred Thompson! There is something about an actor/candidate that gives me a warm feeling - they are very believeable - makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.