Monday, August 13, 2007

Meatstick Revelation: Time to Re-evaluate Myself

Last night I had one of those moments we all have in life where we ask ourselves, "What is wrong with me?"

I was watching the Northwest final of the Little League Championships. It was a close game between the local Kent, WA team and a team from outside Portland in Lake Oswego, OR.

That wasn't the sad part.

The sad part was the dialogue between my wife and I:

Wife: What are you watching?
Me: Little League's a real good game, we're (as if I have any connection to the 11 year olds on the Kent team) up 2-1.
Wife: Do you really care who wins this game?
Me: Of course, we can't let those little bastards from Lake Oswego win this.

I need to refocus on life.

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