Friday, September 14, 2007

Meatstick Opinion: President's Speech

The President's speech was exactly what we thought it was going to be. I have no comments about it. However, here is an interesting article on the whole testimony this week from the Seattle Times. Representative Sestak (D-PA, former 3 star Admiral) makes an excellent point in the article:
"By not having a bipartisan approach, Congress has defaulted and let the whole tone of this debate be set by a military man's report," said Rep. Joe Sestak, D-Pa., a former three-star admiral and adviser in the Clinton administration. "Regardless of one's position on the war, it's profoundly dangerous to have the military make decisions on war and peace, and to some extent, that's what we've done."
I chose to watch MSNBC's coverage of the speech. Shortly after the speech was over MSNBC interviewed Republican candidate for President, Mike Huckabee. Of course, Huckabee thought the speech was really good. At one point he said something along the lines of, "this is about whether or not WE have the will to fight the extremists."

I really can't stand when I hear people like Huckabee (Republican or Democrat) refer to 'we' and fighting in Iraq. Mike Huckabee is not fighting anyone in Iraq. He is just another politician using our service members to help himself politically.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wondering when you will update your site...thanks.