Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Meatstick Congrats: Brother Jimmy and the cast and crew of Columbia's 'The Office'

I would like to congratulate my brother for his graduation from Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs.

I would also like to congratulate him on his acting debut. Jimmy and a few of his fellow Columbian's put together a skit that closely resembles the hit TV show
The Office. The great thing about the skit is that you don't have to be an insider at the school to find it funny. A working knowledge of the TV show is a plus but definitely not necessary. The cast and crew did a great job...it's not just some bullshit, knockoff skit that was thrown together on a whim.

The ironic thing about my brother appearing in a skit based on
The Office is that upon graduation he will be moving back to the greater Scranton area (for a short time).

Anyway, here is the skit (2 parts):

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