Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Meatstick News: Terrorists in Gouldsboro??

For the last four years we have been hearing from the Administration that the main reason we are fighting in Iraq is so that we don't have to "fight terrorists over here." I think most people are able to see right through this and realize that the war in Iraq will not stop a disgruntled American muslim from blowing up a car bomb somwhere in the US. After all, it didn't stop a disgruntled Korean-American from shooting over 30 people at Virginia Tech.

Well, it appears that not only have the terrorists "followed us back to America," but they have decided to setup shop in my hometown. Two of the "masterminds" behind the Fort Dix terror plot were living in a house at Big Bass Lake in the small, country town of Gouldsboro, PA. Of course The Scranton Times didn't fail to provide us with some comic relief during the situation. They interviewed some of the local residents and gave us these amazing quotes. Keep in mind, I'm not making these up:
“They walked up and said, ‘You’re a big S.O.B.,’ ” Mr. Perih, a Scranton native, said. “I tapped them on the shoulder and said, ‘Watch how you talk about my mother.’ ”
Noticing the men spoke a foreign language to each other, Mr. Perih said, “This is America, bro. We speak one language here.”

“It doesn’t bother me,” shooter Ollie Hilburn, 64, of Wilkes-Barre, said. “I’m a man and if a guy comes out with a semi-automatic gun, I’m going to rap him.”
It's funny how many toughguys come out of the woodwork once the terrorists have already been arrested.

On a completely different subject, Vice President Cheney has been seen in Iraq. It is obvious that the Administration is shitting their pants at this moment with the prospect of the Iraqi parliament about to take a 2 month summer break. They realize that this would be a public relations disaster for the Iraqi government to go home for 2 months in the middle of our historic "surge." A senior administration official was quoted as saying that Cheney's message will be:
"We've all got challenges together. We've got to pull together. We've got to get this work done. It's game time."
IT'S GAME TIME???? If it's game time now, then what the frig was it when I was there for a year? Was I there during bull shit time? Was it ever game time over the last 4 years when over 3,300 soldiers have been killed?

I guess it is only game time when Cheney is on the ground. Which means it isn't "game time" very often since this is only the second time he has ever been there.

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