Monday, July 23, 2007

Meatstick News: Democrat On Strike

I was in the car for 13 hours yesterday. With my satellite radio broken I was forced to hit the scan button on my terrestrial radio 900 times as I drove through the various farm towns throughout Northern California and Oregon. I quickly realized that this is how AM radio breaks down in rural areas:
60% Christian, religious channels
35% Conservative talk shows
4% Sports talk
1% Other

This left me in a bad spot since I'm just a tad liberal and haven't been to church in a while. While I do love sports, I get sick of hearing about Barry Bonds, Michael Vick, and ARod, which are the only things sports radio stations talk about.
I'm thankful I had the other 1% to keep me sane along the way. On one of these 1% stations I heard a very interesting interview with a man named John Morgan. Morgan is a lawyer from Orlando who has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Democratic party over the last few years. Morgan recently decided to go on "strike" as a Democrat because he is fed up with their handling of the Iraq war since the Democrats have taken control of Congress. The Miami Herald has a good article about his story that can be found here. Here are a few quotes from the article:

Orlando trial lawyer John Morgan, who has personally given hundreds of thousands of dollars to Democrats and helped raise much more, is so fed up with his party's failure to stop the war in Iraq that he canceled an upcoming fundraiser at his home. Take $250,000 and kiss it good-bye.
''I told Chuck Schumer, I'm through,'' he said, referring to the New York senator who heads the Democratic Party's fundraising arm for the Senate. ``As a Democratic donor, I am going on strike.''
Morgan is considering full-page ads in the New York Times, Washington Post and USA Today to encourage other donors to join his boycott, disgusted with the latest effort by Democratic senators to stop the war by pulling an all-nighter.

I'm just a single, insignificant member of the Democratic party. My only way to show my disgust with the war in Iraq is my stupid website. It was a huge relief for me when I heard the story of John Morgan. Here is a guy who has so much money and influence that Chuck Schumer is calling him at his home. People like John Morgan have the ability to make the leaders of the Democratic party realize that people are fed up with any politician who doesn't end the war, regardless of their political party. Hopefully there are many more John Morgan's out there doing their part behind the scenes to make Democrats realize that nobody is giving them a free pass because they have a (D) next to their name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

go see your brother, that will cheer you up. stay out of the bar across the street and the club in the alley - they're evil.
we're thinking of driving to separate cars, of course.