Thursday, March 15, 2007

Meatstick Opinion: If we bring the troops home..

The Pentagon released a quarterly report this week, in the detailed 42 page report they admit the following:
  • October-December was the most violent 3 month period since 2003
  • Attacks and casualties suffered by coalition forces and civilians was the highest over that span
  • There were over 1,000 attacks per week, up from 800 the 3 months prior
  • Some elements of the Iraq situation are descriptive of a civil war
None of these facts really suprise me, but one that I did find interesting is the fact that Iraqis believe that daily life is worsening and that an average of 9,000 people flee the country each month. Doing my best Rush Limbaugh/Bill Orally I will attempt to spin this statistic. I feel this is a positive statistic because it tells me that in about 2011 when our troops do start to come home, we have the ability to deploy our Army across the country, concentrating on our most populated cities, and possibly drive people out of our country at the rate of 9,000 a month!

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