Sunday, March 25, 2007

Meatstick Revelation: What Goes Around, Comes Around

As teenagers my friends and I used to find amusement in yelling at unsuspecting and innocent people. Normally we would be driving in a car and see a harmless person on the sidewalk, roll the window down, and yell something completely pointless at them. As an example, we might see a wedding party getting pictures taken and we would yell, "Hey bride, I hope you don't get a divorce!"
Sometimes we would get a reaction from the person, but more often than not they would take the high road and just ignore us. Although it was completely immature and pointless, it kept us amused and it was fairly harmless. There were definitely worse things we could have been doing, like drinking and drugs.
Today my actions from the past came back to haunt me. As I was finishing up a run this morning a car drove by and yelled at me, "Hey buddy your balls are falling out of the side of your shorts." I looked up just in time to see 2 girls in a Jeep laughing as they drove off.
When I could see they had gotten far enough away where they couldn't see me anymore I stopped and stupidly checked to make sure that my balls were not falling out the side of my shorts.

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