Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Meatstick Pictures: Mt. Rainier

I took advantage of an awesome day yesterday to see how high I could get on the continental United States' highest mountain. The only catch was, I wanted to see how high I could get without any of the modern climbing tools that people use to summit the mountain. All I had were North Face hiking shoes, a baseball hat, and my sunglasses.
In the first pic you can see Mt. St. Helens in the middle background. The second picture is the summit of Mt. Rainier. The third picture shows Mt. Adams to the left and Mt. Hood (in Oregon) in the middle background. The last picture shows Mt. St. Helens in the background and two other climbers below me.


Anonymous said...

sure - a guy with no job has a lot of time on his hands!
of course, you did pick up a fast 200 the other day - yeah to go.

Anonymous said...

they are beuatiful pics though --- sen a couple via email.